CSS grid not displaying correctly


I recently had a client reach out to me about images on their website not displaying correctly. The images are part of a CSS Grid build that I first published over two years ago and this issue was first brought up to me last Friday. Currently in Safari images are still displaying correctly, but in Chrome they are not. Below are side x side of the problem part of the website show on the left in Safari and right in Chrome. I have also included images of some of the settings.

Please help!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Need your share link and publish link

No prob, thanks! First time post for assistance here.

Share link: Webflow - Attardo Architecture and Design

Publish link: https://attardo-architecture-and-design.webflow.io

Iā€™m not quite sure where the issue would come from, maybe someone else knows. But I found that the fastest way to solve this is setting the overflow on the images to hidden.

First step. Try setting class .image-home-grid to overflow = hidden

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THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! That seems to be the fix!