Is there any way of creating a gauge chart (circle graph) with a percentage counter from 0 up natively in Webflow? Here’s an example of what I’m looking to do:
Haha, I tried and failed, with kind of the same reference as yours.
I googled it again and found this:
Looks like it’s entirely possible to make it within webflow… easier than a full circle… still don’t see how a full circle anim would be possible…
Here is how to make it:
I replicated it into webflow and I get that :
with minimum custom code, I show it at the end of the video. I didn’t know if I could reproduce these declarations:
.container:hover .gauge-c {
.container:hover .gauge-c {
and I’m pretty sure I can’t declare the transform-origin: center top;
in webflow’s UI
@cyberdave can I delcare things like .container:hover .gauge-c {
in the UI?
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