Creating a course with modules

I’m trying to make a course on my website, where people can click and there is a drop down of videos. On the page I also want to include a progress bar, where they can track how much they have done in each module

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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Hey Thomas,

Nelson released the below tutorial last week, which should be of good help to you for a video-specific approach.

My own notes and tips that may be of help. Haven’t deeply considered progress tracking or a progress bar.

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Hi @Thomas_Stitt :wave: welcome to the forum.

Looks like you’ve got a good answer for the video part of your question.

Here’s a course site I created using Webflow + Memberstack. This has a progress bar of sorts, in the form of checking each lesson you mark as completed:

Memberstack is doing 2 helpful things, user logins, and keep state for the users progress.

Here’s the screencast walking through how to build it:

Here’s the example site:

Click enroll now, enter a fake email and play around with it.

Hope that helps!

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