Controlling Slider/Preventing Hover Pause with JQuery

Hey everyone,

A few months ago there was a forum post I was active in where users were trying to maintain navigation control of a Webflow slider, but avoid having the slider pause on hover. Original post:

The solution I provided at the time was to use CSS to disable pointer events for everything except the slide navigation items.

.[slider-class] {
pointer-events: none;
.left-arrow, .right-arrow {
pointer-events: auto;

Back then I told a couple other members I’d find time to look at some other way of executing this and finally played around with it.

Using JQuery I just created a simple script that forces a click event on the hidden native Webflow slider navigation by clicking on another element, then disabled pointer-events for the entire slider. The trigger click can be assigned to essentially any element you want, its pretty simple.

Small example slider:

Latest JQuery from at time of original post:
<script src="" integrity="sha256-H+K7U5CnXl1h5ywQfKtSj8PCmoN9aaq30gDh27Xc0jk=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Put this <style> snipped inside of your head section:

pointer-events: none;

Put this and the JQuery script before the </body> tag:


Either add outer-next and outer-back to the ID area of the elements you want to use as triggers, or replace those in the script with the id’s of the elements you want to use. Same goes for the native Webflow slider navigation which is targeted using inner-next and inner-back.

I edited this several months after the original post for clarity, if anyone has trouble they can either reply or message me directly.

Hi Andrew,

Read-only: Webflow - balmont 2

I used some of your code to get to where my slider is now. I’m very happy with a few of the current aspects of the slider:

  1. Autoplay doesn’t stop when I hover over the images.
  2. Autoplay pauses when you hover over the action buttons.

What I don’t like is that Autoplay stops once you’ve interacted with one of the action buttons. Now, if you click the slide, the autoplay resumes. So, Is there any way I can change the code so that Autoplay resumes on ‘hover’ rather than on ‘click’?

I’m guessing it would have something to do with ‘pointer-events’.

Any information or push in the right direction is greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

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@simonsig I’m trying to solve this same issue too. Did you by any chance resolve it?