Connect different modules to a single CMS collection

Hi everyone,

Is it possible to use a single CMS collection for multiple Items?
In my case, I have a grid with all my CMS items on my homepage and I want to add on other pages a carousel / slider with the same CMS Items as the Grid on the homepage.
Do I really have to create a new Collection or is there a way to use the same list for 2 different layouts and items?

Thanks in advance :)

The collection is a separate thing from the collection list. You can have one list bound to Collection A on your homepage, and another one on a different page also bound to Collection A.

I followed the steps and the slider works. Is there a way to show multiple Items on one Slide ?

Thanks :)

Not that I know, but you’d have to read the docs and look at slider setups in Made in Webflow.

When I want multiple slides “on deck” at once, I usually do a custom implementation with swiper.js.

Ok, thanks a lot for the quick answer!
Do you know if it’s possible to edit some CMS items individually? The thing is, I have a CMS list in a Grid-style (3 columns) on my homepage and I want that just the middle column has an offset. How I solved it temporarily, was with 3 different cms lists (Col 1, Col 2, Col 3) and I gave the 2nd Column a margin. But it’s a bit inefficient for the editor, since he cant just write the new items on one list.

I can’t guess what you mean by “offset” but you can achieve most things either with Webflow’s styles in the designer, or with custom CSS when you want to do specific grid adjustments.

If you need help building something that you’re not certain how to do the CSS / JS, drop me a message and I can send you my details.