Hi! I’ve used Code Embed to display videos hosted from Dropbox on my site with no problems in the past.
Currently, I seem to be able to use code embed to display videos on desktop, but it doesn’t show up on mobile. Within Webflow’s preview it works fine, but live testing on mobile it doesn’t display.
hi @adrianwho while Dropbox is not service to be used for streaming and it is a very bad practice, there was a way to hack it with use “raw=1” on the end of the Link instead of “dl=0” I do not know if this hack still works but you can try.
This hack is several times described on this forum, there are many articles about this hack on internet and also there is an article on Dropbox it self.
feel free to do your research before posting request.
BTW it looks that link doesn’t contain any video or streaming is blocked by Dropbox
I’ve tried the “raw=1” hack to no avail, and the solutions in other articles have not helped.
The link works fine opening in an incognito window and renders on desktop in Webflow, just not on mobile; so I was trying to figure out if this was a problem from Webflow or Dropbox. My older videos on Dropbox render fine on Webflow Desktop/Mobile so I was curious.
In terms of good practice, how would you recommend streaming videos on Webflow?
hi @adrianwho I can’t say if this is caused with your implementation on WF as you do no follow basic principle of posting forum request. If you have for some reason didn’t read here is a summary.
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When is come to hosting videos for streaming you can use hosting platform as MUX that has generous free tier or Claudinary that has lots of great features but in can be pricey. You can use Vimeo or in worst case YouTube.
Since this is a portfolio site with limited views, I decided to stick with Dropbox since I’m already paying for it as a service. Another good alternative I came across was Amazon AWS S3 Amazon S3 - Cloud Object Storage - AWS
In my particular situation, the problem wasn’t Dropbox or Webflow causing videos not to render, but it was compression settings that I used in Handbrake.
Following the tutorial here I was able to compress videos that worked on both desktop AND mobile.