CMS custom code works on home page but not on blog post. Why?

Hi to you if you’re reading, I’m sure this will seem to you so easy. But to me, as a noob, it’s been pure pain and waste of time until today. That’s why I’m writing this post.

I created some custom code to have a progress bar that auto fills proportionnally to the number of signatures the petition has (simple CMS blog post). To do so, it fetches the data I enter inside the blog post details.

You can see how it looks on the home page here : under the section “Pétition à la une” or “Nos pétitions”. It works perfectly so you can check the custom code used.

The problem is when you open the petition Un deuxième test. There is a progress bar displayed but I can’t manage to make this HTML code a CMS embed.

I’m sure it’s all so simple to most of you who will read this post. But for me, it’s been a pain in the …

Would be greatful for a little help here.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Well it looks like it’s not so easy after all… Any expert knows?

hi @Marc_Copywriting when I have deleted space between divs all starts woking in preview mode. I have also shortened your HTML as you do not need doubling your progress-outer just set height of progress-inner to identical value as you have on outer. :wink:

CleanShot 2022-11-07 at 23.31.23

thanks a lot, you rock!! it worked perfectly once I copy pasted your coee

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