Hi to you if you’re reading, I’m sure this will seem to you so easy. But to me, as a noob, it’s been pure pain and waste of time until today. That’s why I’m writing this post.
I created some custom code to have a progress bar that auto fills proportionnally to the number of signatures the petition has (simple CMS blog post). To do so, it fetches the data I enter inside the blog post details.
You can see how it looks on the home page here : https://www.premiere-ligne.org under the section “Pétition à la une” or “Nos pétitions”. It works perfectly so you can check the custom code used.
The problem is when you open the petition Un deuxième test. There is a progress bar displayed but I can’t manage to make this HTML code a CMS embed.
I’m sure it’s all so simple to most of you who will read this post. But for me, it’s been a pain in the …
Would be greatful for a little help here.
Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)