The issue I’m facing is that upon clicking to show the hidden content, the interaction stalls before the hidden element is revealed. On closing, the interaction is more smooth but there’s still a slight jerk before the element fully hides again. I’m after a smooth show and hide as in example 3 of
Also, can I make a request to the @webflow team – would it be possible to make the site into a public site so that we can open it in Webflow and have a look behind the scenes?
I for one would love to see a public share link made available for this page! I’m not sure, though, but the entire Webflow site might be one big website in Webflow, so sharing might actually give us access to works in progress and other stuff they might not want publicly available.
As an alternative, they could duplicate the site and delete all but the pages they want to share…
@RickK thank you! Feel like a bit of a noob but almost got it how I want now thanks to you. Could I possibly ask you to clarify another niggle for me? I’ve got the opening transition smooth now but when clicking to close, after the text block has reduced, the padding of ‘Topic Header Div’ and ‘Topic Header Div 2’ collapse into each other, if you see what I mean. Any idea how to avoid this?
@McGuire Yes! It would be massively helpful to be able to delve into the design of Webflow’s pages – being able to play with other sites in read only mode is an amazing feature of Webflow so being able to access pages which are designed so well I would think makes sense.?.