I would need the following functionality:
If the user clicks an element in a spline animation, an interaction should be triggered in Webflow (basically some information/div should appear). Is that achievable somehow?
<!-- Add a canvas element where Spline will render the 3D scene -->
<canvas id="canvas3d"></canvas>
<!-- Import the necessary Spline runtime -->
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"@splinetool/runtime": "https://unpkg.com/@splinetool/runtime@latest/build/runtime.js"
<!-- Custom JavaScript for loading Spline scene and handling interactions -->
<script type="module">
import { Application } from '@splinetool/runtime';
// Create a new Spline application and attach it to the canvas element
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas3d');
const spline = new Application(canvas);
// Load the Spline scene using its URL
.load('https://prod.spline.design/your-spline-file/scene.splinecode') // Replace with your Spline scene URL
.then(() => {
// Listen for a click event on the 3D object in the Spline scene
spline.addEventListener('mouseDown', (e) => {
// Placeholder: Add your interaction logic here
// Example: If the clicked object is named "Cube", show a specific div
if (e.target.name === 'Cube') {
console.log('Cube was clicked!');
// Add your custom interaction code here (e.g., showing a div)
console.log('Spline scene loaded');
Hey Jonathan, thanks but the thing is: I need it the other way round. The “On Click” event needs to be on a spline element, not on a Webflow element ;-)
So basically, for example:
If you click Element X in Spline, show Element/Div Y in Webflow.
I am looking to do exactly this. Except I would like it on hover (hover object in spline, div/modal pops up in webflow). I have 12 different objects that I would like to be able to do this with. Essentially I have buttons in spline and want an info box to pop up in webflow when I hover the object in spline. Can you possibly help me with this?