Ive came across the % and VH problem of resizing on IOS chrome. Once the browser scrolls down, the url bar shrinks, making the height of the window bigger, and then occurring a resizing of all elements having VH properties. The opposite happens when scrolled up.
This brings alot of stutters and sincerely, is really annoying the perfectionist in me .
Ive read im pretty sure all posts about the subject and nothing is working flawlessly.
I can also see the same thing happening to your new ecommerce (insanely well made btw) website so i understand its most probably a Chrome thing (also not happening on safari).
I stumpled upon your topic while looking for the same answer. The issue is really annoying.
Little workaroung of mine, which unfortunately doesn’t solve the problem completely:
Fixing the elements on top (instead of “full”) makes them “scroll” upwards together with the chrome-bar.
In my case however, the background image resizes anyways and I don’t want to dismiss my scroll interaction because of this annoying problem.
Hopefully there will be someone with a better solution.
Hi @hofling ,
Yeah i’ve tried pretty much everything i could think of without finding a 100% fix, I feel like it’s just question of finding the “less bad” of the possibilities for Full screen landing pages.