I’ll start off with a disclaimer that I come from an embedded background and that I’m not very familiar with JS or HTTP.
I’m working on updating our Webflow API to version 2, and while I was able to get it working I can’t seem to understand how to check for rate limiting before receiving a 429 error. We used to check the _meta
field in what was returned from the api call to get the rate limit info from data that looked like this.
_cid: 'abcd7f0fb270752970f76ece',
_id: 'abcd65974412c6af99a9dfeb',
_draft: false,
_archived: false,
name: 'building #507',
slug: 'building-507',
'updated-on': '2024-10-10T21:16:38.869Z',
'updated-by': 'Person_62bb',
'created-on': '2024-09-25T19:33:43.123Z',
'created-by': 'Person_62bb',
'published-on': '2024-09-25T19:48:35.993Z',
'published-by': 'Collaborator_66d7',
_meta: { rateLimit: { limit: 120, remaining: 111 } }
However, now the v2 API mentions that X-RateLimit-Remaining should be checked in the header, but I think I’m only receiving the body from the API call. Is there a different way I should be calling the js API functions?
Right now they look like this, in general.
const WF_getEntry = async (webflow, listingId, itemId) => {
const it = await webflow.collections.items.getItem(listingId, itemId);
await WF_checkIfClearv2(it);
return it;
Looking at .collections.items.getItem()
it looks like only the body gets passed,
if (_response.ok) {
return serializers.Sites.parseOrThrow(_response.body, {
unrecognizedObjectKeys: "passthrough",
allowUnrecognizedUnionMembers: true,
allowUnrecognizedEnumValues: true,
skipValidation: true,
breadcrumbsPrefix: ["response"],
Is there a way I can use the js API and still receive the headers, or otherwise respect the rate limit?