Can't Translate my Page

Hey guys,

I want to have a website that is in both english and burmese. I found a font with both languages Padauk - Google Fonts

However when I right click “translate to Burmese” it is grayed out. I have tried translating English to Spanish and that works.

Unfortunately Webflow Localization’s underlying provider, Amazon Translate does not currently support Burmese / Myanmar.

You can set that locale as an option however you will not get built-in machine translation. You may be able to do it copy-paste with Google Translate?

Got it thank you for the fast reply!

Would you also happen to know why adding a locale list won’t show my other locales? I only see English but I have also added Burmese as a language. Is it because the second locale is not published? I am on a starter plan and wanted to test the locale switcher before paying for localization.

Yes, it’s because the second locale is not published.

awesome thank you! that solves all my issues

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