Cant see Lottie nav button on tablet down

Hi all,

I having issues linking my Nav bar, once I have clicked on my lottie burger, my menu overlay seems to be hiding that nav button. I feel like I have tried everything, any suggestions?

Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you

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Hi @OwenWilliams ,
Works great on my end :slight_smile:

That’s great to hear! It just seemed to fix itself… lol

Thank’s for the reply

Hi guys, I’m still have an issue with my nav menu.

When Opening the nav Menu on tablet down, I’m unable to see the lottie.

I’ve set the lottie and Nav Button to absolute position above everything else to no avail.

Any Ideas?

Hi all, Is anyone able to help me with this issues I am having above?


Sorry guys, just going to bump this one more time in hopes someone can give me some feedback on my issue.
