Can't hide link with an interaction on mobile

I’m having some trouble hiding a dropdown link on mobile devices.

This element has an interaction attached to it and works great on desktop, but my plan is to hide it on mobile devices as I’m not using the interaction on it. To work around this, I decided to create a separate dropdown link on mobile devices but I’m still not able to hide the one using the interaction. Seems like it may be a bug but I’m not sure.

Preview link:

If you go to mobile views and click the hamburger in the top left, you will see 2 “shopping cart” dropdowns at the bottom. The one on the bottom is the one I can’t hide.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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Hey @Jhart4595

Sounds strange :thinking: I can’t remove the cart button as well. One thing you can do is wrap the cart dropdown with a div and hide the div instead.

Hope this helps

Piter :webflow_heart:

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