Can you link a nav button to a blog post?


Is it possible to link a nav button to a template page?

Hi @antony,
Template by itself has no slug and every page, automatically based on the template has a different slug.

Hey @antony & @sabanna yes you can, but it takes a little work around & patience :smiley:

If you add in a Rich Text Element (RTE) to your nav, click into the RTE and remove all of the content and just type the text that should be on the button. Then highlight that text and add a link, from there you can link it to any page in your Webflow site (including Template/article pages) :smiley:

Then you need to add a class name to your RTE, and then click on your text link and give it a nested global selector style:

Learn more about the updates we just made to our Rich Text Elements here:

I’m happy to make a screen recording walk-thru of how to make this as well, please just let me know :smiley:

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@Waldo @sabanna thanks for the responses guy.

@Waldo Thanks for that work around. I will try it out later as I found another way to do it. I just typed the url of my published blog post into the button link field. It works when I publish the site and visit the actual site url. However it does not work in preview mode - which makes sense as it is linked to my actual website.

thanks again!

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