Hi I’m trying to copy this scrolling effect on this site:
I tried fullpage.JS but it doesn’t really accomplish this scrolling effect.
Please let me know what this is called or how I can accomplish this.
Here is the preview link: LINK (Read ONLY SITE)
No fullpage scroller I tried gave an easy possibility to simultaneously move text vertically and fade in-fade out background images. This will require custom editing of the fullpage.js or swiper scripts.
What do you mean by no fullpage scroller?
No scrolljacking script that I have tried.
New to Webflow but do you know how I can duplicate this project? https://preview.webflow.com/preview/fullpagejs?preview=7540b0f1b6c9d6aad7e8268c4d16f29f
Well, you may clone it if its author allows it. Just go to the project page like this and look for the “clone” button at the top.