Hi @davenovelli !
Thank you for getting back at me ! I found a solution
Instead of copying the code in the page custom code, I copied the code in the main site custom code setting… it now works like a charm !
I found some interesting ressources regarding Gists customization here and also here for custom themes.
I even made some more research and was able to customize the look and feel of my gist ! Below is the css code I used (in the page setting this time) and here is the page I’m working on
I inspired myself from a tutorial @sabanna wrote back then regarding the filtering of dynamic elements with the MixItUp plugin and another codepen written by Ed Prats also using MixItUp to search for items’titles ! Pretty powerfull stuff !
The reason I wanted to share code is because I would like to make a little tutorial for Webflow too when my project is finished
And I wanted to make it look cool !
<style type="text/css">
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Droid+Sans+Mono');
body .gist .gist-file {
background-color: #1d1f21;
margin-bottom: 0;
border: none;
border-radius: 0;
max-height: 720px;
body .gist .gist-data {
max-height: 720px;
body .gist .blob-wrapper {
background-color: #1d1f21;
border-radius: 0;
body .gist .highlight {
background-color: #1d1f21;
font-family: 'Droid Sans Mono', monospace;
font-size: 14px;
body .gist .highlight td {
padding: 5px 15px !important;
line-height: 1;
font-family: inherit;
font-size: inherit;
body .gist .gist-meta {
display: none;
body .gist .blob-num {
color: #343537;
background-color: none;
pointer-events: none;
/* Begening of black theme */
body .gist .blob-code-inner {
color: #c5c8c6;
body .gist .pl-enti {
color: #f0c674;
font-weight: 700;
body .gist .pl-s3 {
color: #81a2be;
body .gist .pl-sf {
color: #dad085;
body .gist .pl-mdr {
color: #de935f;
font-weight: 400;
body .gist .pl-ms1 {
background: #c5c8c6;
body .gist .pl-c,
body .gist .pl-c span,
body .gist .pl-pdc {
color: #969896;
font-style: italic;
body .gist .pl-c1,
body .gist .pl-cce,
body .gist .pl-cn,
body .gist .pl-coc,
body .gist .pl-enc,
body .gist .pl-ens,
body .gist .pl-kos,
body .gist .pl-kou,
body .gist .pl-mh .pl-pdh,
body .gist .pl-mq,
body .gist .pl-pdc1,
body .gist .pl-pde,
body .gist .pl-pse,
body .gist .pl-pse .pl-s2,
body .gist .pl-scp,
body .gist .pl-stp,
body .gist .pl-sv,
body .gist .pl-v,
body .gist .pl-vi,
body .gist .pl-vpf,
body .gist .pl-mri,
body .gist .pl-va,
body .gist .pl-vpu {
color: #de935f;
body .gist .pl-cos,
body .gist .pl-ml,
body .gist .pl-pds,
body .gist .pl-s1,
body .gist .pl-sol {
color: #b5bd68;
body .gist .pl-e,
body .gist .pl-ef,
body .gist .pl-en,
body .gist .pl-enf,
body .gist .pl-enm,
body .gist .pl-entc,
body .gist .pl-eoi,
body .gist .pl-smc {
color: #f0c674;
body .gist .pl-ent,
body .gist .pl-eoa,
body .gist .pl-eoai,
body .gist .pl-eoai .pl-pde,
body .gist .pl-k,
body .gist .pl-ko,
body .gist .pl-kolp,
body .gist .pl-mc,
body .gist .pl-mr,
body .gist .pl-ms,
body .gist .pl-s,
body .gist .pl-mp .pl-s3,
body .gist .pl-sok,
body .gist .pl-sra,
body .gist .pl-src,
body .gist .pl-sre,
body .gist .pl-st {
color: #b294bb;
body .gist .pl-entm,
body .gist .pl-eoac,
body .gist .pl-eoac .pl-pde,
body .gist .pl-mai .pl-sf,
body .gist .pl-mm,
body .gist .pl-pdv,
body .gist .pl-som,
body .gist .pl-sr,
body .gist .pl-vo {
color: #c66;
body .gist .pl-mb,
body .gist .pl-pdb {
color: #b5bd68;
font-weight: 700;
body .gist .pl-mi,
body .gist .pl-pdi {
color: #b294bb;
font-style: italic;
body .gist .pl-mp,
body .gist .pl-mp1 .pl-sf {
color: #81a2be;
body .gist .pl-s2,
body .gist .pl-sc,
body .gist .pl-smi,
body .gist .pl-smp,
body .gist .pl-stj,
body .gist .pl-mo,
body .gist .pl-entl {
color: #c5c8c6;
body .gist .pl-mi1,
body .gist .pl-mdht {
color: #8f9d6a;
background: rgba(0, 64, 0, .5);
body .gist .pl-md,
body .gist .pl-mdhf {
color: #c66;
background: rgba(64, 0, 0, .5);
body .gist .pl-mdh,
body .gist .pl-mdi {
color: #c66;
font-weight: 400;
body .gist .pl-ib,
body .gist .pl-iu {
background: #c66;
body .gist .pl-id,
body .gist .pl-ii {
background: #c66;
color: #fff;