Building Personal Website

Hi there,

I’ve already a very basic website setup. It’s just a personal blog with updates on my travel. Nothing glamorous. Just looking to polish it a bit, as well as make it more dynamic (when I make a new post, it shows up on front page, and also if you click it by category it sorts it out)

Hoping for it to be built in Webflow then extracted into HTML so I can just update it by hand. Not sure if this is easy to do (i.e. I take the templates and just fill it in with each new entry)? If so, happy to work with someone on this. Hardcoding it via HTML and CSS is fine, too.

Feel free to PM me or email me @ if you’re interested.


I have 10 years web design experience and would be glad to help you with this.

I’ll send you a pm.

Teresa :slight_smile: