I set up a blog on an updates page for a client of mine, and have successfully linked it to the CMS collection which uploads a preview of the blog posts into the appropriate section. The problem is, none of these previews have a link to open up the full blog post, nor am I entirely sure how to access them. I followed this tutorial (Create a Blog Section in #Webflow - YouTube) when making the blog so maybe I missed a step somewhere?
If possible, I’d like to avoid starting the whole thing over again, so any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated!
Here is the updates page with the blog set up: Updates
Here is the read-only link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/rys-website?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=rys-website&preview=956e44d2a565034299a052ce5fa107e3&pageId=5f60d1a19493b20d3822aa78&mode=preview