Background Video Not Working (Showing up as a line)

Hi all,

When I upload a background video, it goes through (evidenced by the right side panel) but the video only shows up as line in my column. What am I doing wrong?

Here is my site Read-Only:

try these steps:

Haha this was so helpful Nelson! I took my time getting to understand Webflow a little more over these two weeks and looking back at this, I am laughing at how many buttons I pressed on the side panel.

Also, the 2800 pixel height is the standard page length on the Figma → Webflow plug-in, which I shortly ditched after because it was tough to use. But loving Webflow now!

Hi! Now I have the same problem as you had before. Did you find any solution for this?(
If yes, can you share it, please…

You may have to do this on the BG video element:

width: 100%
height: 100%
z-index: 1 (or 2 or something else)

If you post a read only link I don’t mind helping, might get back to this sometime tomorrow or sunday though…

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OMG, it really helped me!! Thank you soo much!
Have a nice weekend!

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glad I could help :slight_smile:

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OMG finally a proper answer THANK YOU it helped me a lot too