Anyone unsing the .js text animation from T. TRICKS? Need help

Hey friends,

I´m using the Anime.js tricksText letter animation from Timothy Tricks, with really cool text-animations. You can check them out here
The animation is working fine, but I need to change the initial state of the animation to opacity:0, to be sure, that the text animation is only showing when scrolling in to view and not before.

This is what I tried so far:
.fade-up .letter {opacity: 0;}
But it´s not working: You can check it out here
(By refreshing the browser it´s working because of the browsers cache, but if you open a new tab, you can see that the headline is rendering before starting the animation)

I´m glad for any help

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK (Page: /kalender)
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Move your style to the header tag.

Hey, thanks for the reply.
I pasted it into the header, but nothing changed.

add .tricks {opacity: 0;}

This may cause the text to always hidden.
If that the case you can just change the opacity after “T.Trick” code finish create all the letter element.

Yes, now the text is all hidden.
Unfortunately I don´t understand what you mean, to do after that.
Could you maybe paste in the code example you mean? Thank you :blush:
This what I have so far:


<style> .tricks {opacity: 0;} .fade-up .letter {opacity: 0;} .letter {display: inline-block;} .tricksword {white-space: nowrap; }</style>


<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
// © Code by T.RICKS,
var tricksWord = document.getElementsByClassName("tricks");
for (var i = 0; i < tricksWord.length; i++) {

var wordWrap = tricksWord.item(i);
wordWrap.innerHTML = wordWrap.innerHTML.replace(/(^|<\/?[^>]+>|\s+)([^\s<]+)/g, '$1<span class="tricksword">$2</span>');
var tricksLetter = document.getElementsByClassName("tricksword");
for (var i = 0; i < tricksLetter.length; i++) {

   var letterWrap = tricksLetter.item(i);
   letterWrap.innerHTML = letterWrap.textContent.replace(/\S/g, "<span class='letter'>$&</span>");
// Fade Up Animation
var fadeUp = anime.timeline({
  loop: false,
  autoplay: false,
    targets: '.fade-up .letter',
    translateY: [100,0],
    translateZ: 0,
    opacity: [0,1],
    easing: "easeOutExpo",
    duration: 1400,
    delay: (el, i) => 300 + 30 * i
// Play animation when scrolled into view
$('#header-section').on('inview', function(event, isInView) {
  if (isInView) {
		// Put the play below this line;
  } else {

Just add a begin function in your fadeUp animation.
It going to set the opacity to 1 when the animation is about to start.

Let’s see if it work

                  targets: '.fade-up .letter',
                  translateY: [100,0],
                  translateZ: 0,
                  opacity: [0,1],
                  easing: "easeOutExpo",
                  duration: 1400,
                  delay: (el, i) => 300 + 30 * i,
                  begin : ()=>{
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Thank you very much :)!!! It worked.