Anyone has a link for website design using VW and VH?

Hi guys,

Nice to meet you all. I am trying to create my first website and I want to thank my friend @VladimirVitaliyevich who has been helping me.

After working on my website for a while, I realize that I am still confused about the correct way of using margin/padding. Somehow I still have difficulty of moving the contents to the locations I want. I used to play paddings/margins and i was able to move the contents to where I want, but the contents are all messed up when I change the screen to IPAD or phone!

Therefore, my friend Vlad recommended me to try VH/VW instead and I have been testing it . If you check my website, u see me putting all these VH/VW values just to keep space between different sections. However, I have no idea if this is right or not. And bloody hell, my navbar looks ok on my desktop and now it looks messed up on my laptop!

I would appreciate if someone provides a link for using VH/VW. I don’t know how many people are still using pixels but I do like using Vh/VW.

Love you all.


Are you’re buttons set on VH/VW as well? Also the text might be too big measurement. :wink::+1:

What buttons? :sweat_smile:

Yup, the texts look big but i thought they would work!

Oops, sorry I meant navlinks. :wink:

Yup, my friend, they look really big on the picture I uploaded. But they looked ok on my desktop (resolution is 1900 x 1200). Is it because my laptop has a much smaller resolution (1366 x 768) ? For both machines, I use desktop mode and they just look different. Feel like i messed up again :triumph:

Okay, so try out to see the padding in the navlinks and if they are set to px (standard) or if you changed them to VH/VW :+1:

i changed them to VH/Vw but the values are all 0.

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