Animations/Transitions not working

Hi everyone,

I’m new to WF but I like to think I’m learning fast.

The problem I am having is affecting the lovely index list I have crafted, the nav bar button (which is part of a symbol so should work consistently across the site) hover effects and the top left logo hover effect. All of these seem to work, but only after I’ve clicked again on the link to the page in the site preview.

Here’s a link to the site:

This is the way the nav bar should be…

This is the way it appears on the WORK page…

Logo animation also displays wrong until I refresh the page…

Finally the index list animations don’t play likewise until I refresh…

Note that there are placeholder images in the index list.

The list itself is quite glitchy, with the mouse curser ‘hand’ coming in/out inconsistently. Is this normal - will it be smoother when live?

Very best wishes,

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

I am also facing similar issue here. Help is highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
gimp freejobalert notepad++

I spend ages today basically redoing the index list and animations and I’ve still got the same problem.

Have you made your site live, and if so do you have the issue then?


Could you explain your menu issue a little more clearly? I’m not able to re-create what I’m seeing in the screenshots, but I’m not sure I’m looking at the right thing.

The cursor might be a known Chrome issue, do you have the inspector open when you are seeing this issue?

You could also trying changing the cursor property:


On the index-row-links:


Let me know if that helps!