Hi everyone! I’m a new user of webflow, planning to use it to design a personal portfolio site. I have a couple of design ideas in mind, one of which being animated parallax background.
For those who don’t already know, parallax means that elements of a page move at different speeds while being scrolled to give an illusion of depth. ( Example: http://www.firewatchgame.com/ )
I’m thinking of doing the same for my website, however instead of static elements, they are animated.
Is it possible to achieve the same effect as http://www.firewatchgame.com/ but with loopable video elements such as ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiobsNAKqHU )?
This probably means that the animated elements can’t be video files because transparency is affected.
I don’t have a built site right now, but I hope this idea is possible!
Thank you so much for reading. If you decide to implement this idea to your website, do share it!