I have an svg background (a map) and then a second svg over the top that is just a squiggly line down the page (a travel route). The placement of them is fine.
Question 1 - I’m not sure the best way to reveal the travel route (svg path) as I scroll. Any thoughts?
Question 2 - Alternately I could have multiple lines between ‘stops’ on the path (4 of them) that just animate on when they are revealed. ie. so they don’t need to keep up with the scroll necessarily. How can I trigger the css animation for each svg path within webflow?
@avivtech Yes!! That is exactly what I’m after haha! Any thoughts how?
EDIT - I just saw that it’s a ‘wipe’ effect, ie. the path cant move very far sideways, only down, because the mask moves straight down.
I think I’d still like to know how this is done, but ideally it would be actually along the SVG path itself.
I have a path animating down using Vivus but am unsure how to trigger it. Or make it move with the page scroll.
Hello, just come across your Ornella website. I’m quite new to webflow, how do I make a line expand horizontally on page load like you have under your heading? Thanks