'Add to cart' Shopify button doesn't appear on some product pages

Hello, everyone.

I’m creating an e-commerce using CMS and Shopify and it’s working great.
Although, I just got stuck on an issue I can’t solve.
I added the component and ID number to every product and some seem to be wrong because the ‘Add to cart’ button won’t show up.

See an example that is working: http://asmana.webflow.io/produtos/ofio-004
See an example that is not working: http://asmana.webflow.io/produtos/ofio-032

I already updated the component and ID numbers several times but it didn’t work. Not sure if this is the problem. Does anyone know what could be the reason for this?
Also noticed that the component number keeps changing every time, why does this happen?


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Welcome to the Webflow forum!

Could you please edit and provide ALL the necessary details in your post so we can take a look at your site/issue? (Especially #5 - console errors)

In future if you want faster replies and more accurate answers, I suggest including all the details listed in the link above before someone has to ask. (Especially #5 - console errors)

Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks!

Hi, samliew.

Suddenly, the buttons appeared!
I did nothing, they just showed up.

Thanks anyway :slight_smile:
