3D Product Customizer

Hi Everyone

I am wondering if something like this is possible using Webflow:

I am a product designer at heart so would be a really cool way of showing off some of my renders and custom materials, but not sure if I am asking too much of WebFlow to be able to do this.

I did find a post on this but it was 4 years old so didn’t know if this was more possible now with Lottie files etc.

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

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I suppose the questions would be, how much of this do you want to copy?

The object in 3D space orbiting on drag could be accomplished through spline.desgin

I personally would be stumped on changing the materials on click.

Hi, thanks for your reply!

I was wondering about creating a very similar feature, where a user can select a different appearance for parts at the click of a button. Those buttons probably don’t need to be in the space with the product though they could be toggle options below.

I will check out spline.design too.

Sounds like a cool feature! I wouldnt know how to make that happen but i wish you all the best!! :slight_smile:

Hi @Harry101

With my colleagues, we’ve created this project https://www.sabre56.com/ on webflow. You can see the interactive particles, which are made with webgl, just like the example you liked to.

And if that’s interesting, I’ve also created a design tool to create WebGL experiences without having to code: https://polygonjs.com

Here is also a tutorial on how to use it to create a 3D product configurator: Product Configurator | Polygonjs - node-based WebGL design tool
And here is also a tutorial on how to export those for webflow: Webflow | Polygonjs + Webflow

Don’t hesitate if you have any questions


We had Created in 2015 3d Product Configurator
Cloud Render Farm

We used another platform Vividworks Product Configurator. We used it for our product customizer (we’re home goods). Not 100% sure but I think it is possible to integrate with Webflow somehow.

SmartPixels may be able to help with your future requests. They are specialized in 3D configurators for high-end brands and they integrate seamlessly with e-commerce platforms. Check it out here: 3d product configurators for eCommerce I SmartPixels