I’m inspired by the use of 3D design like https://dogstudio.co/. My question is how to make such animation that continuously will animate even while you’re scrolling. What would be the process making that?
Hi - something like this can be achieved if you create an animation (for example in C4D or AE) then you export it as an image sequence and then export it as lottie animation, then you just animate it on scroll with webflow interactions… here’s a pretty good lesson on the subject: Web animations with After Effects & Lottie | Webflow University
Hi IVG, thanks for your reply!
I’m curious though, how you can make the object float (in a continuous loop) and also use scroll animation, like the example.
I reply very late, but I’ve recently completed this project with colleagues: https://sabre56.com. It has similarities with the dogstudio site you liked, as it also has interactive/3D particles.