"Your order does not meet the..." Discount code error

Hi everyone!

I recently completed an eCommerce website for a client who wanted to offer discount codes for new purchases. However, I keep encountering the same issue when testing the discount codes (including multiple test codes): the error message, “Your order does not meet the requirements for this discount,” appears every time.

Read only link:

Code: TRIANGLETURNOVER ($20 discount)

I’ve tried adjusting various settings, products, and customer information, but the problem persists. I read that the phone number field might cause this issue, so I removed it, but the error still remains. I also came across discussions suggesting that this might be an ongoing problem for others as well.

Does anyone know of a workaround or a way to successfully activate discount codes? Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)