With my LITE account I can not put a domain?

I took a LITE plan without expressing myself I wanted to take the CMS, but on my lite plan I cannot put a domain name they want me to upgrade my account even though I have just spent 192 dollars, have- do you have any idea how to please?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Welcome to the community @Wesley_Mateus and sorry to hear about the confusion.

Account plans provide additional features relating to the Dashboard and projects that are published to the staging domain (ex: your-site.webflow.io). These are completely separate from Site plans which allow a specific project to be tied to a custom domain and vary in their feature set from simple static sites to CMS or Ecommerce sites.

You do not need a paid Account plan to publish your site to a custom domain and—with the exception of things like a limited amount of unpublished projects, fewer static pages on your staging domain, and the ability to export projects for external hosting—the free Account plan will allow you to publish any type of site project. Typically Account plans are used for freelancers who have multiple active projects or users who prefer to host their site elsewhere.

If you’d like a refund for the Account plan, you’ll want to reach out directly to Webflow Support through the link below or by contacting them directly via email at support@webflow.com: