Why mobile menu doesn't show up?

Hello, I’ve got a problem that on mobile view hamburger menu shows up viewing from Homepage, but from About us - no. Could anyone please check it and give advice on what could be possibly missing, so that menu would open up on About us as well? Thank you in advance!

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Nowadays People
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Your “page-wrapper” is currently overflow="hidden", that’s why you cannot see the expanded menu.

Screenshot 2024-05-16 19.00.15

Thank you - I think it worked now. Now just a few strange things happened:

  1. Seems like the CTA “Discover us” on “About us” page doesn’t work (while on homepage does) - the # link is added
  2. The burger animation upon click on Homepage doesn’t work while on About us animates
  3. On homepage, if I select item to scroll to specific section on that page, the opened menu doesn’t collapse.

Could you please advise on what could be the possible issues for that? Thank you very much!