When do we all get Lottie integration?

Hi Guys,

I’ve seen that some people have a beta version on the go and they have the new Lottie integration.

I am dying waiting for this. Does anyone know when we all get access to it? I’m so fed up of the really long winded work around for Lottie files.



Would this help? Lottie Web Player - Lottiefiles

Thank you, yes that does look like it might save a little time. The new Webflow / Lottie integration looks amazing though!

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Have not used the Lottie Web Player myself but it looks like like a simple copy/paste - until your post I had not heard anything about a direct Webflow integration, great news though!

Can you link to where you saw the preview of this integration @TomPiggott? :slight_smile:

I’m sure the answer would be ‘soon’ :wink:


I actually saw it on Ran Segall’s instagram stories a couple of weeks ago. He had actually reposted from someone else’s story so god knows who has it. I saw it was in beta. It looked amazing.

It had all the controls you would want like play on hover, play on page load, loop etc.

I read about it in one of the Webflow enewsletters where they stated the beta would be out this summer.

Does anyone know how to get access to the beta? I’m an animator myself and absolutely desperate to get my hands on it!

Here’s a link to the article; scroll down about 90%:

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Hey Tom! Just sent you a DM :slight_smile:

@tai Hi, if possible I would love to also have the ability to test the beta with the ability to have the animations… please please please!

Just sent you a DM :slight_smile:

Hey @tai

We would love to test this out too!


Hello @tai,

I would love to test the beta too, I used lottie in the past but with custom code, I would love to see how to do the process without it. Thanks!

@PiXL3 @Pablo_Cortes absolutely! Please DM me with your email address.

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@tai Sign me up too man! :clap: tb@granyon.com

Hi @tai I have DM you already, looking forward to trying it out. :smile: