What percentage of your clients tell you that they don't need login access and editing capabilities?

@GodlessGlen I can be short. Of all the websites I’ve built in the last 15 years, only a handfull has actually taken the time (and effort) to change their own site. Meanwhile, all the Wordpress and (earlier: Joomla) solutions I’ve built have cost me at least double the time in head-aches and painful moments upgrading for safety reasons. Or being hacked.

That’s the one argument that nearly nobody on this forum (or in this thread) makes: The new CMS-feature comes with hosting included, and thus with updates as well. That means: it sure as hell sounds more secure than any open source initiative I’ve seen and used. Sure, that remains to be seen, and I haven’t seen any SLA documents in regards to the CDN-hosting, or the CMS.Thus: you get a vendor lock-in (for now) on one hand, but a maintained software solution on the other. And for that @callmevlad and the team should be applauded.

So, to come back to your question: if the UI of the editor is good, I can convince upto 50% of my clients to use it. It surely is easier than Wordpress as far as it looks now. But that’s only if clients are able to pay for their own subscription. I don’t want to be the middle man making those payments. In other words [@webflow]: I’m not a bank. I’m a freelancer.

Does that answer your question?