What is the status of the wishlist?

So do you have an answer as to why these items are still being ignored? Threads such as this and this were prominent over a year ago. What is your answer for addressing these concerns?

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Hey @jmkriz thanks for bringing this discussion.

The items on the Wishlist are not being ignored. Here are some points that I want to share.

  1. The community team (including myself) is in the Wishlist regularly cleaning up spam, reviewing new posts, and merging similar feedback when appropriate. Ideas are then brought to the Product teams.
  2. The wishlist is one of the many ways we collect customer feedback from our community. We also engage in user research and one on one conversations with customers and community members.
  3. Our product teams identify roadmap items based on a number of factors - engineering resources, time horizons to build and how to deliver customer value quickly. The product teams currently balance multiple inputs and while the wishlist is an important consideration, it isn’t the only consideration.

As Webflow continues to grow, we know these types of decisions and tradeoffs may not be the best news for every individual customer.

I hope this explanation helps clarify how we utilize the feedback on the wishlist.