What happens to URLs from previous website when migrating to Webflow

Hello, newbie here. I have a website musivv.com currently hosted in GoDaddy. I want to migrate to webflow. My concern is what happens to all the URLs associated with the pages for example musivv.com/coatofarmsband
How do I go about this?

There is a page in the Webflow University that I recommend you review if you haven’t.
It should help you resolve your issue.

If you are still stuck, let us know.

Hi webdev. Thank you or the kind response. Yes I’ve seen this video. Another developer said this process is for URLs that were created within webflow that you want to redirect within webflow. He said this is different from my case. Which led me to finally post this question. Thanks!

You create a redirect for each old page you want. Simple. More information about the subject is available here => Site Moves and Migrations | Google Search Central | Google Developers

Hi webdev. Thank you for the response. I was hoping there is another way apart from redirect. Really keen on keeping the URL musivv.com/coatofarmsband. Thanks anyways! :slight_smile:

You won’t lose any URLs. You’ll keep the same domain. If you make the same pages on Webflow as you have on your current site, you won’t need to create a redirect. You’ll only need a redirect if you don’t transfer the page to Webflow.

For instance, if you create a page in Webflow using the musivv.com/coatofarmsband URL, then no redirect is needed. But, if you don’t create that page in Webflow, a redirect is suggested so that search engines know what happened to the page.

Hey Joe! Thank you so much for this. Makes a lot of sense! That leads me to my next question though haha. How do I make a musivv.com/coatofarmsband page in webflow? I understand it’s in the root. See my folder structure (because of webflow limitation I guess), it becomes musivv.com/artists/coatofarmsband ( I haven’t created it FYI)


Appreciate your response.

In that case, you should create a redirect that looks like this: /coatofarmsband —> /artists/coatofarmsband. I had this same challenge when migrating. It’s manageable for collections that aren’t often added to.

From looking at Def Jam’s website, they do the same. The only redirects that work are for their biggest artists.

Thanks Joe! Appreciate it! Big up!