WF for Themeforest

I know that there are a lot of people in the forums dying to see a tutorial that integrates WF with WP in detail. To an end product as shown in this topic. Personally, I’d be happy to pay you $25 USD for such a video-tutorial, as I’m not a code-pro. [And we’re still waiting on the CMS-functionality]

If there are people here that sell WF themes on TF, I’d say they will not share their secret(s) as it reduces their chances of making a buck. Still, CTRL + H would be your friend with cleaning the WF code too right? :smile: I’f I’m correct there’s a guy on this forum that writes scripts. That would be my first investment (of time and resources) : writing a “cleaning script”.

ps. I’m serious about the WF to WP tutorial. Let’s make a deal!

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