Website scrolls to the right in tablet view on home page


My website scrolls to the right too far by a few pixels in tablet view on the home page, which I’m guessing it means it’s not an element in the header nor the footer. I’ve not cracked it yet what is causing it.



Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Maybe you can reload the designer or check if chrome is updated also on Ipad don’t see the problem! :slight_smile:

@AntonioBalderas If you are in that view and push the page over to the left, you will see it.



I am not experiencing any issues either.

Hi @nathanphilsteele, it looks like the site is getting impacted at least in part, by some overflow on the tablet view.

Take a look at my video, which shows how to identify the styles that cause the overflow, so that it can be corrected:

I hope this helps!

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@cyberdave that video is amazing and super helpful!..I feel like I’ve been taught to fish :grinning:



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Thanks for giving it a go @AntonioBalderas

Thanks for investigating @sabanna

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