Website LAGS, only on custom domain - help needed

Hey everyone :smiling_face:
I’m super confused and need your advise!

I recently posted here about my website’s animations/interactions starting to lag out of nowhere.
I’ve followed all steps to fix it, without managing to fix it or finding the bug unfortunately.

Now I figured out that the lagging only occurs when accessing the site through my connected custom domain!
When opening it though the URL, it’s all smooth!

Can anyone advise me here?
Any help is appreciated!!

This is the site: (Password: Tester1!)

Webflow URL: (Password: Tester1!)

Read-only link: Webflow - Pure Studios
Thank you <3


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Michael, you are absolutely amazing!

Thank you so, so much for this.
As a bit of backstory: I’m really new to all this, currently bootstrapping my company, and seeing you actually checking out my site and sharing your knowledge gave me an incredible feeling of confidence (if that makes sense), which I’ve really been missing ever since this issue started to occur.
Really, thank you! :heart:

I did as you showed in your video, and I think I found the cause of the issue! However, I’m unsure what to do with that information or how I can fix it.

Could you please check out this screen recording? You’ll see what I mean!
(the first minute is just me thanking you :grin: it really starts after that)

Please excuse my bad English :smiley:

Thank you!!

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Micheal, you’re officially the hero of my past two weeks :joy:
Thank you so much, this is incredible! It absolutely worked!

Man, you must think I’m stupid.
YES, I know how cookies work and YES, I though about the legacy editor being the cause of the issue, but I also tried it on the Safari browser on multiple devices in an Apple Store and the issue occurred there as well, so I figured that wasn’t it.
HOWEVER, what I didn’t check for and just now noticed is that the unedited Webflow Template (Colours) also lags in Safari in the same way, so I assume Safari just can’t handle the amount of animations and it was actually two different problems that I thought to be one and the same.

You really saved my week here.
Thank you :heart:
Please check your PMs, I will message you shortly!

Ha ha not one bit, that was a sneaky one- and important enough I’ve just added it to my performance notes-

That makes a ton of sense, and very interesting. If you ever discover more about why Safari or your graphics card configuration are lagging, I’d love to hear more.

I’m really looking forward to Webflow’s IX3 interactions too which will use GSAP- it’s a much more modern library and much more heavily tested by the Internet community- I expect all of the interactions code will be much better optimized.

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I will not pretend like I understood ANY of what you said in that last paragraph, but I’m glad I don’t have to understand it haha :grin:
I’m really looking forward and eager to learning more and to follow Webflow’s and your future journey.

Again, thank you! You’re gold for this community!

Lastly, for Safari:
I don’t know whether it actually interests you and you want to dig deeper into it, but in case you want to, you can use my site or the templates live preview (Colours - Webflow Ecommerce website template), which both lag heavily on Safari, as a lab rat :slight_smile:

This is solved and can be closed. Thank you!