WebHooks for User Page signup/login

I want to integrate user page form submissions with a WebHook, so I can capture the data of people when they signup to the website.

Currently only Form Submission data is sent to the webhook.

Is there a way to integrate user login/signup with a webhook?

If not is there another way I can get the details of the users who have signed up?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

The two ways I do this is with Webflow Memberships + Webflow Logic or using Memberstack. There are other solutions as well.

Like Chris said, you will have to use something like Memberstack - unfortunately you can’t just do it with Webflow forms, unless you’re accepting signups for a platform hosted somewhere else and are only using Webflow for signups. If that’s the case, then what you described is possible

Hi, @David_Reay.

Did you manage to solve this? We are struggling with the same issue, we are using the Memberships login page and created a dashboard, but we need to integrate the login/signup information with a 3rd party app and cannot trigger anything from Flows.


Have you tried either the Membership added or Membership updated Webhooks yet?

If you’re not familiar with how to use Webhooks & Webflow checkout:

If this is a route that works for you, make your life easier by setting up Webflow Webhooks with this free tool: