#WebflowChat💬 👇

Thank you for the feedback.

Definitely missing the ability t set the height of the canvas. Using a wh units is impossible a specially on mobile breakpoints.

Inability to change the guides.

And inability to select background element and “pin it to the foreground” (I know we can change the z-index or hidden property)

4 pages deep already having “.contact-title .DivBlock copy . Welcome2” combo classes. It’s called poor planning and I’m great at it.

It works amazing for me! But it’s pure javascript and that tends to be run in your browser single-threaded for a lot of the process (Chrome team is working on that!). That means tools like webflow - or even facebook - will slow down if your machine is not great with single core performance (or slow/too little RAM)

That’s great for you, but not so great for those who suffer through glitchyness so bad that we can’t work. Do you know where Webflow publishes recommended machine specs?

Not sure if they have that. My post wasn’t meant as bragging, just informing :slight_smile:
If it helps as a reference, I mainly work on an i7 8700K 32GB RAM machine.

Hey :slight_smile:
Thank’s for asking!

I’m very happy with Webflow, I know what Webflow strives for and also what’s required to build such sophisticated systems :blue_heart:

There’s one annoying thing though:
When searching for classes in the style manager tab, —


— the lack of a search function means tediously scrolling though all styles ordered by time of creation.
Just to see where else the class is applied.

Am I missing some obvious trick with this?