Webflow to Cognizant integration help

Hi all, we are designers and pretty new to Webflow and have just finished designing our 3rd site. Our retail customer is using Cognizant to manage their sales and production process and it is integrated to their current Wordpress site. We need a simple integratation also – contact forms to send customer contact data to Cognizant. Currently that’s integrated via an http request with code (which I can provide). Is this simple to do – help! We just need to get this working and need some developer help : )
Keen to hear from anyone with knowledge or can help us : )
Thanks heaps

Can you elaborate on Cognizant?

I’ve worked with Cogz a number of times over the years but in the context I understand, they’re a huge delivery partner that usually provide custom solutions at enterprise level employing COTS or even custom software for the client.

If there’s a specific endpoint you have, you may be able to use Zapier to the solution they provide or to their own endpoint using a custom hook.

Hi there, I’m just trying to get a bit more detail about their instance – I don’t believe they have a particularly complex set up – they are a small-mid size product retailer in New Zealand : )

I’ll post agin shortly as soon as I get info shortly. Previously, the guy that owned the business managed integration. As an FYI in the meantime he’s supplied this info re code used (if that’s helpful)!

Can you elaborate on Cognizant?

I’ve worked with Cogz a number of times over the years but in the context I understand, they’re a huge delivery partner that usually provide custom solutions at enterprise level employing COTS or even custom software for the client.

it’s just httprequest

      _Link = "http://admin.lidgard.co.nz/ws_NewEnquiryContact.aspx?Nm=" & txt_Name.Text _
                    & "&P=" & txt_Mobile.Text _
                    & "&E=" & txt_Email.Text _
                    & "&L=" & ddl_Location.SelectedValue _
                    & "&I=" & ddl_Interest.SelectedValue _
                    & "&ST=" & HttpContext.Current.Request("HTTP_HOST") _
                    & "&IP=" & Request.UserHostAddress.ToString() _
                    & "&C=68"

        If RequestTest(Session("Adwords")) Then
            _Link = _Link & "&Adwords=" & Session("Adwords") & "&KW=" & Session("keyword")
        End If

        _Link = _Link & "&COM=" & txt_EmailBody.Text.

so if they build up the link with the following variables and send them to the link above, your system will consume the request.
C must equal “68”

L=" & ddl_Location.SelectedValue
I=" & ddl_Interest.SelectedValue

the values passed through I & L must be the same values as your current site

Hi Katie,
What you are wanting done is well within my area of expertise and I would be happy to help you out on this.
You can reach me on andrewjohnson56782@gmail.com
Best Wishes and Have a great Saturday,