Seems like the team has fixed the issue. Please let us know if your Webflow designer tool isn’t working still.
i’m having this same issue now (dashboard and designer refusing to load and if it does, taking a really long time). checked status + tried other browsers. anybody else having this right now?
Yep… same here.
Cant access Designer and Dashboard.
Yeah same here, webflow status page is all green, but no able to connect to workspace or designer for 30mn now.
same here, can not access webflow dashboard nor designer
Status page has been updated. You can follow or subscribe to updates here:
Hi friends. The team has implemented a fix, but we’re still actively monitoring the situation. Thanks for your patience.
We’re happy to report our team has identified and resolved the problem and will continue to monitor.
On behalf of the team, we thank you for your patience.
As a warning note to everyone:
My company during the latest down time also experienced extreme slow form submissions, with some of them seeming to fail to submit, given how the form submission triggered the “Error message block” from Webflow’s form component.
If your website implements third-party solutions such as CustomerIO or Hubspot that independently register form submissions to their own dashboard, it might be a good idea to check those to make sure you didn’t lose any form submissions during that time.
For weeks i’ve had issues with the dashboard not loading. I’m also having issues with trying to load a project. Since the newest update the dashboard and projects have been so slow loading.
Having the same problem (March 22, 2024).
I had the same issue, I solved it resetting the permissions for webflow in chrome setting and updating it
If it doesn’t work, you’ll need to logout from your account, but since we don’t have access to the dashboard, you’ll need to:
- Open an Incognito Tab
- Open webflow, it will ask for log in
- once you’re log in using incognito, you’ll be log out from your account in the other chrome window
- log in again in chrome and it shoul works!