Webflow CMS. Relevant content on each template page

Hello Everyone! Please help me with CMS. Maybe I am wrong with the structure or… I am just out of ideas. Thank you all in advance!

There is 1) Clients Collection - 8 items; 2) Services Collection (= categories) - 6 items (i.e. Webdesign, SEO, SEM…) . On a Client Template Page there are tabs named by the Service Collection names (Webdesign, SEO, SEM…) . At each template Client’s page there is number of tabs = number of services provided for this client. Below there is some content = The service information (pics&texts; already there, tried to put into both collection and use via refs) should be displayed by clicking on each tab, but of course unique for every generated Client page. I just can’t wrap my head around it for almost 40 hrs, please give a direction if you can. Many thanks!

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)