Webflow broke my page - CSS and images are gone

Few months ago I’ve created webpage using webflow. Now it looks totally broken:

This is how it should look like:

In editor the page looks much better (all the aligments, margins and sizing are correct), but the images uploaded to webflow are gone! This change is at least from yesterday. How such a thing could happen? This might totally kill my sales

Hi @Bartlomiej_Najdecki,
your site is fully functional in my browser.

You should try clearing cache and restart your computer. Try accessing your site on another device.


The problem is not with the cache but with the certificate. I contacted webflow support and they said that the problem is on the ISP side. Indeed, resources from the uploads-ssl domain are displayed correctly if the certificate is provided by Amazon. On random refreshes of page the certificate changes to sh.cert.orange and is untrusted. As a result, resources are blocked.

This seems to be a problem with Polish ISPs.

I don’t know what it depends on, that the certificate is once from Amazon and once from sh.orange

Hi @Mateusz , @Bartlomiej_Najdecki,
i could not reproduce your errors.

Again Site working fine for me.

I think it is a Amazon AWS problem. Here (Germany Munich) at my location your sites are functioning correctly. Are you accessing from poland?
I´ll try to reproduce the error with a vpn.


Yes, I’m accessing from Poland on two different ISPs - Orange, and small local ISP.

In both cases certificate is loaded from sh.cert.orange. I think it should always be Amazon.

Same here, users from various Polish locations reports the same problem when browsing into our website. The problem is with users with Orange provider. It also involves the designer mode which is corrupted and we cannot edit the page.

When browsing into other webflow-made pages we have noticed the same problem

Finally, it seems to be a problem related to Poland. Users from other countries with Orange or any other Internet provider see the page well.

We noticed this issue yesterday in the morning, with no change at the moment, unfortunately


Same here guys. I’m getting errors on some of our webflow hosted pages.
Our ISP is Orange. Location: Poznan / Poland.


I had calls from customers about same issue. In my location everything working fine (Łódź, Poland). It seems to me that the problem is due to the overload of Amazon.pl servers in Poland, which took place yesterday due to the “grand opening” of Amazon in Poland.

Changing your DNS to the one from Orange (Bezpieczeństwo CERT | Orange Polska) - ex. causes the sites to break.

Switching to google’s fixes the issue.

So the problem must be on the ISP side.

In my opinion, by the start of amazon.pl the traffic on servers has been dispersed. Amazon filters IP addresses from Poland (depending on overload) and directs them to another server, where the certificate is not working. This is only my guess. Then the problem is not with the ISP, but with Amazon.

Look, ping for domain uploads-ssl sometimes returns server A and sometimes B. ISP A is Amazon, ISP B is Orange. On Amazon everything is ok.

so we can’t work on webflow I think - I send them email yesterday no answer. Regular hosting solve problems and they are in touch, here - silent, if I have clients with webflow and another day with site broke - big problem - without support.

My website now seems to work:

Possibly amazon fixed that on their site. I hope it won’t happen again - that really kills website

great my also :wink: wow, thanks webflow!

Good news, it seems to be back to normal

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