W-reset is overriding my fonts


There’s a tag getting injected into the header of my site that’s overriding my google font.

Thanks for checking it out!

Here is my site Read-Only: this won’t help/prefer not to share publically.

Since you can’t control what Webflow loads; find the specific rule that affects your site. Then write a more specific one using CSS specificity. That should negate the Webflow rule.

Hey @DuncanHamra!

We have identified a bug that is affecting this experience. A fix should be coming out soon, stay tuned. I’ll keep you updated on my end when I receive further updates about this.

Let me know if you have any further issues or questions.


Thanks @DuncanHamra and @RileyJones for the report. The fix went out on Friday, and should only need a refresh (not a republish).

The bug was in our Editor css, so only people that had logged in (or visited /?edit links) saw this bug.


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