Vimeo and Scroll without loosing Vimeo Controls

Hee guys,

I will have to find way to make a vimeo video full screen with all its controls visible. However, in order not loose being able to scroll across the website, I had to set the z-index to -1. This is when I lost the possibility to click on the play button of the vimeo video interface.

Also, autoplay would be good and I tried by adding ?autoplay=1 at the end of the vimeo link, but nothing seems to happen.

I am still figuring out which template to choose(so cannot yet share a link), but want to make sure I understand how this works. I tried to just play with the templates I have seen.

Anyone any tips? I am clearly not an expert!

Have a lovely day!

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)