Viewport Height across Breakpoints

Good evening :slight_smile:

When I use Height as : vH .
I find it looks silly across breakpoints as they have too much space?
Should I have to reduce it across breakpoints?

I am using vH as I have parallax movement interaction on my hero section!

Here is my site Read-Only: (Webflow - Sheena's Portfolio Website)
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

I have picked that Section Header 2 is 60vh and has unused space maybe if you reduce it to 35vh, Padding Section if you may make 1rem top and bottom padding. Your collection Item has too much space below. Me thinks you need to reduce that as well. So all this regards to desktop break point

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the issue i think has all to do with your spacing thats margin and padding work around that and i hope all will be fine.

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