View more button on tab items

Hey everyone.

So far I am liking Webflow and looking forward to support the community as I learn more and complete some projects.

For now I am stuck on a particular feature I need to have on a website. So here is how it goes.

I have 2 tabs, each showing rental and sale respectively.
Each tab is limited to show 10 items.

What I am looking for is a “View More” button that will show a new set of 10 listing along with the 10 previous. The logic would be to have the no. items showed updated but can’t seam to make it work. Anyone up to comment or share their approach for such a feature.

I tried going the pagination route but it seams this option is not available yet.

Many thanks.

Pagination is, indeed, not there yet. One of the reasons why may be because it’s a complex feature, raising many questions: navigate to another page? load more elements? how to deal with history? how to deal with permalink? what to do with the url? what does the back button do? etc.

The only code free possibility you have here is to prep extra collectons lists, hide them, then unveil them at a press of a button. You can have up to 20 collections lists on a page, so there’s a bit of room to craft this behavior.

Thank you @vincent - that could be a good workaround for now.