Videos on mobile show up only after deleting a cash

Hi. I have a weird problem. I have a website with many videos embedded via a code embed element which has a link to a hosting site. They all opening on a desktop device even when you enter the site a second time. The problem appears only on a mobile device when I enter a website the second time - some of the videos disappear and they appear again only if I delete a cash in the Chrome browser. So when I open the website on a mobile device the first time I can see all the videos, but then when I close the website and enter a second time (only on a mobile) some of the videos disappear and appear again only after I delete a cash. Any solution to that?

Hi Vik

Hard to say what it could be without a link to your project

Your website is massive in file size. When try to load it on my phone it isn’t even able to load it at all, or extremely slow; which I honestly would be glad about because if I was on my Mobile data, it could’ve cost me 355mb.

You can get away with this on desktop, but on mobile there are stronger build-in features in the browser to prevent big files, like videos, from being loaded automatically.

My best guess is that because of this, videos aren’t loading at all or causing other issues.

My advice would be to rethink if some of the videos really should be autoplaying and if so, be compressed.

All of the in-depth pop-up videos fore example seem to all be autoplaying in the back
Recording 2024-08-25 181736

This one is already 4mb and 2:30 minutes long.

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Thanks for your help. I will try to compress it and see how it works. And yea good idea for the videos that are hidden to switch off autoplay (But I need to figure out how to do this because I am using embedded video code and there is no Play button if I remove “autoplay” from the code). Do you know the code for the Play button so that the viewers can play it if they want? Thanks

The video tag has a couple of attributes like controls and autoplay; in your case, I would add controls and remove the autoplay functionality and the preload as well.

Let me know if you have anymore questions!

If you’re interested, you can read further into this here:

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