Videos not appearing on pages with Weglot

An embedded YouTube video appears as it should through my normal URL, but not when a different language (via Weglot) is selected. Is it possible to have the video appear on translated pages?

Original page, with visible video:

Same page, but when any other language is selected (in this case, Swedish):
^ here there is an empty space where the video should be.

Thanks for any help.

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Energy Machines


Thanks a lot for your message. Weglot Support here, I’m glad to help you out.

I’ve investigated further and it seems that the video is related to the cookie consent process on your wbesite. However, it seems that the request to load the cookie consent is not working on the subdomains, because the request URL is dynamically built with the current path URL.
It means that the cookie consent request on the translated subdomain is**sv.** whereas it should be

In order to fix this issue, you’ll need to replace an element in the file in order to stop dynamically building the request URL by “currentPath” but with your original website domain.
In the file, the element to replace seems to be the element “CDNPathFragment=this.currentPath” to replace with “CDNPathFragment= …” (replace the three dots with your main domain).
Maybe your cookie consent provider’s support could help you further with this?

Don’t hesitate to come back to us at, visit our support documentation ( or our Youtube Channel if you need any further information or any help regarding Weglot.

Have a great day,
